I can't help to think about how He must feel about Santa. Our God is a jealous God and I know He doesn't like us making idols out of anything or anyone and that is what I feel Santa has become for so many households. My heart really breaks for Jesus because He deserves so much more than a quick prayer over your family dinner or a quick, "Thank you Jesus" for the gift you got.
He came to this earth as a tiny baby in a manger. And He left this earth with His body nailed to the cross to pay for our sins. Is it really too much to truly give Him ONE day out of the year to celebrate Him and everything that He means to us and has done for us?
I really want to honor Jesus this year and each new year to come. I want to thank Him more, praise Him more and spend more time alone in His presence. I don't want the presents, trees, lights, decor, dinner, or family gatherings to overshadow Him! I honestly could care less about all of those other things. I want to take communion with my family to remember what He did for us and to receive His blessings. The thing that makes this transition hard is our children and also the guilt trip I get from adults who think we're robbing our children of a part of their childhood that they can never get back.
My Christmas wish for you is that you will take even just a few minutes and bathe in His presence and remember why there even is a season. It's ALL about HIM! Please don't forget that, no matter how you choose to celebrate!