Our Family was expanding once again! I started the year at about four months pregnant and it was in January that we found out it was another boy.
We all enjoyed some time outside in the snow!
This picture sums up the month for me and the kids. We did a lot of school work and spent a lot of time indoors. I was being a major germaphobe since it was cold and flu season and I was in the middle of my pregnancy.
February was also the month that we took a huge leap of faith and Aaron took on a new job with Ashley Furniture. It was a very scary step since it is a commission based job, but we trust God as our provider and believe that this is a door he opened wide for us.
March came in roaring like a lion! This was our biggest snowfall of the season. Needless to say, we had a blast in it.
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And just one week after the snow, it was warm enough for Garrison to take his first bike ride with Daddy!
Oh...And Grisham lost his first tooth!
Finally, spring was here! Here we are before church service. I was feeling very pregnant. I only had 2 months left.
In April we got some amazing pictures of the little guy in my belly. I believe this is around the time that we finally settled on a name, but we decided to keep it a secret (from most people) until he was born.

Mom and Dad finally decided to come back from Florida! I had missed them so much and I was so happy that they made it back before the baby was born.
This month was all about getting ready for the new baby and celebrating a special little man's 2nd birthday. I also gained a lot of clarity about who my real friends were. It seems like this was a year where God weeded out a lot of the bad crops (people) in my life. I didn't know they were bad for me, and the process was extremely painful, but it has stretched me so much. I have learned a lot about forgiveness, grace, and letting go (still working on that part) and moving on to God's BEST for our family!
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Mommy's Little Prince |

My due date was June 10th, but our little guy came just a couple of days early. I was all prepared for a natural birth, but God had other plans. I get so emotional when I think about the day my last son was born. God truly had His hands on us. We both could've died, but He saved us. He and I are meant to be here on this earth for a greater purpose than ourselves. For all the details of my birth story and to see more pictures, click HERE.

Finally resting with my sweet baby after several hours of traumatic events concerning my health.
I still can't believe that God has entrusted me with four amazing boys and that we are now a family of six!
This is always a really busy month for us. There are 3 birthdays to celebrate in this house, but of course the only one that truly mattered was the little man who turned 7 this year (which also means that we have lived in Kentucky for 7 years). G4's first month of life flew right by. It was a very trying month with him though. He was a pretty fussy baby and never let me sleep at night. I had a hard time healing emotionally from his birth. I suffered with postpartum depression and for the first time in my life, I experienced major anxiety. Throw that on top of an infant and 3 other kids to raise, and it's safe to say that it was one of the most trying times of my life...but I made it. God put the right people in my life and pulled me out from under that dark cloud!
The boys got new sand and water tables and spent most of their summer playing with them.
This handsome little man finally got his very first haircut. It made him look so much more grown up.
One of my proudest mom moments of the whole year is when G1 graduated from the police department's explorers program. It was an extremely intense week of hard, physical activity that pushed him to his limits, but he did it!!!
Below is a picture of G3 at his birthday party at Gattitown. We were so thankful for all of our family and friends who were able to come. Here he is with his new set of golf clubs. We plan to get him lessons next summer because he's pretty awesome at it.
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G3 with his friends and his cousin on one of the rides. |
What a great month this was. We started homeschool gym and swim, which G3 loves. Grandma Barb came to visit and she took me and the kids to a local farm festival where we had so much fun. We all really needed to get out of the house! Baby G turned 3 months old and started grabbing toys with his hands. We went to a church camp out and G1 participated in a huge youth event at the church where they got completely covered in mud on the very last obstacle. Me and hubby celebrated our anniversary by taking a train ride and trying out a new restaurant. It was our first date since the baby was born.
October was an emotional roller-coaster for me because I had some health issues surface (one of which we are still trying to figure out), and it would also be the last time I saw my parents before they left again for Florida. Before they left, they took us to Shaker Village and to an old orange tree to recreate some memories. G2 started playing basketball, I got my hair cut really short, we took a field trip to Salato Wildlife Center, and we went out with a bang like we usually do in October, by having the craziest Halloween costumes!

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G1 & G2 ~ 5 years ago on the left, and this year on the right. |

Baby boy turned 5 months old and my very first baby turned 16 years old. I cannot believe that it has already been 16 years since God blessed me with my first son. We carried on our tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving at Cracker Barrel.
Baby boy turned 5 months old and my very first baby turned 16 years old. I cannot believe that it has already been 16 years since God blessed me with my first son. We carried on our tradition of celebrating Thanksgiving at Cracker Barrel.
This has been an awesome month. Aaron had a week of vacation and we finally got to spend a lot of quality time together. We went to the zoo with his family, I took the boys to the horse park for their light show and festivities, we did a lot of shopping and tried new places to eat. Aaron and I finally got some one on one time with G1. We took him to Malibu Jacks and then we had dinner at A&W Root Beer Stand. G4 started sitting up all on his own, he has two teeth completly through, and now he's crawling all over the place. G2 ended basketball for the season after scoring a couple of points for his team. G3 is as crazy as ever. He's always coming up with stuff that makes us laugh so hard. He's unlike any 2 year old I've ever known.
We celebrated the birth of Christ by going to a Christmas Eve service at church. Christmas day was very nice, but exhausting. The Grinch and Santa came as always. the kids opened their gifts and spent the day playing with their new things and Grandma Barb cooked us dinner. And today we end the year with the news of another promotion for Aaron. He works his butt off and truly deserves it!
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G2 and G3 ended the year with new hair cuts! |
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Baby's first trip to Ohio. 1st trip to the zoo, and 1st train ride too! |

2015 has been a very blessed year for our family. I am looking forward to a new year, with new hope for the future. Here's to a million more wonderful memories!!!