My husband and I have been on a Daniel Fast since Jan. 9th. This is a fast where you can't have any sweets (NOTHING with any added sugar), meat, or dairy. This is a salad I made with olive oil and vinegar. It's amazing how much I enjoy salad now without cheese! I think my body is lacking protein or iron because I actually miss meat more than sweets. How do vegetarians do it? During this fast I've already seen miracles happen and I'm standing with expectancy that more blessings will be poured out on us because of our obedience to God. Most importantly, we have drawn closer to Him and can feel His holy presence more than before. This is a time to honor God by giving Him the first fruits of our year. If you are reading this, I pray that God will also bless you and your family with a wonderful, prosperous year, but most of all, that you too will take time to draw closer to God. He loved you before you even knew Him.
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