Pink or Blue???
Hello little one! I'm so excited to watch my tummy grow and to begin feeling you move around more often. It's still like little butterflies floating in my belly, but it's the most wonderful feeling in the world. I still feel like you will be a girl. We get to have our big ultrasound on in 3 weeks and we are going to do something very exciting. Instead of finding out your gender, right there at the doctor's office, we are going to have them keep it a secret from us. They will call a friend of ours in Ohio to let her know if you are a boy or a girl, and then she will bake a cake that will be either pink or blue in the middle. She's bringing it to us 2 days after the ultrasound and we are going to have a party. I think it's going to be SO exciting to share this special moment with our closest friends.

Trusting the Lord
Sometimes anxiety tries to creep in. Your youngest brother was delivered via an emergency c-section. After he was born, I thought I would never have any more children. I always wanted more in my heart, but it took over 4 years to get over the fear and to step out and trust the Lord. If it weren't for a prophecy I received, I'm not sure if those walls of fear would've ever crumbled. But, now here you are, growing stronger in my womb each day. He gave you to me and I trust Him now to see us through. I am expecting a natural delivery with zero complications and ALL of the glory will be given to the Lord. I love you, my precious baby.
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