
Friday, January 30, 2009


Calling all of my Christian friends and family. I have been seeing the # 22 for over a year now. Every time I turn around, there it is again as a highway sign, the temperature, the number on a jersey, the clock, you name it. I thought I had it figured out because at a time when my husband and I were really starting to question God and his plans for our lives, God told me to turn my Bible to Psalm 22. Wow, did it ever fit our situation! It felt so good to finally know what 22 meant. I continued to see that number until we moved into our new home. It was on lot #222. I thought seeing the number would stop after that, and it did for a little while. Now it's back and I really feel like God is trying to tell me something else. I don't understand and it's starting to drive me up a wall. I'm going to talk to an elder in the church to see if they have any thoughts. I wonder if something big is going to happen on Feb. 22. Or is God trying to warn me, or simply point me to another scripture?

What are you thoughts? Has this ever happened to you?

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